Welcome and thanks so much for visiting me here.
Enjoy my site, and I'll see you at a concert before long!
My new CD with Barbara Fasano
drops on February 24, 2025!
Join us for the CD Launch Concert
Sunday, March 2 @ Birdland!
Our single ~ available now!
"As the late Bobby Short made apparent, a little jazz -- with
its insistence on spontaneity and invigorating swing --
can give cabaret a needed kick in the pants.
Eric Comstock stirs up action from behind the piano in a
regular spot at this midtown venue; he's joined by his wife,
cohort in repartee, and fellow-singer Barbara Fasano,
plus the redoubtable bassist Sean Smith. No surprise considering
his time in the cabaret trenches, Comstock speaks the language
of standards fluently; Porter, Rodgers and Hart, and their ilk are
like family, but Bob Dylan, Carole King, and Todd Rundgren
have been known to slip into the mix."
~ Steve Futterman, April 2023
"Balance lies at the heart of the most effective
jazz-leaning cabaret acts. Insuring the right amount
of overt charm, reverence for the past,
instrumental bravura, and in-the-moment connection
with an audience is an art carefully perfected with experience.
The pianist and singer Comstock has the goods,
and, in tandem with the superb bassist Smith,
he will offer expert musicianship and joie de vivre
in equal measure." ~ Steve Futterman
"Suave, smart, funny and utterly delightful
. . . an ingenious musical wit . . .
A connoisseur's connoisseur of pop music esoterica,
Mr. Comstock is the truest heir to the much-missed
Bobby Short: a dispenser of cabaret caviar . . .
Meet the new fun couple on the cabaret block.
Mr. Comstock and Ms. Fasano are turning the neighborhood
into a hotbed of pleasure." ~ Stephen Holden